Nicholson Group has rose to the forefront as a prominent luxury residential property developer and landlord. We are now one of the largest Private Rented Sector organisations in the Liverpool City Region.
The award-winning Nicholson Group has developed and manages a portfolio of more than 200 rental units valued over £25M, our portfolio has attracted critical acclaim with numerous accolade.
The portfolio is on target to reach £35M by 2023.

We find beauty where others dare to look. We believe strongly in community and such regeneration is a core mission creating a better living environment for our clients. Our developments are embedded as a valuable part of the communities in which we invest.
Our vision is to acquire unloved derelict buildings and breathe life into them converting them into iconic landmarks, the centre of new and desirable communities. It is our time to make our mark on urban living, regenerating forgotten places creating vibrant communities, leaving a lasting legacy. We focus on our urban design lead projects to build the future we all imagine living in.

We create the future whilst preserving the past, taking ordinary spaces and creating amazing places. Our product has re-imagined the renting experience, with our client’s needs at the forefront of our designs. By following our ethos of innovate, develop, inspire, we deliver sustainable regeneration creating vibrant destinations.
Nicholson Group prides itself on seeing the opportunity with a modern, creative and differentiated perspective. Actively discovering new places and forever reimagining the places we already know. We recognise the patterns of market cycles, understand the underlying value of our assets, and use this to reveal hidden values.