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NicoKnows: Collateral Warranties - Who, What, When, Where & Why!

What are collateral warranties? Collateral warranties are contracts which are designed to establish a contractual link between a third party (the beneficiary) and a contractor or consultant who has carried out certain works.

Why are they required? In the case of a contractual building agreement, CW's are a promise from the contractor to the client that the works have been carried out in accordance with the building contract & regulations . 

When are they used? Focussing on collateral warranties provided by constructors under building contracts; it is normal for a first purchaser of a new development to receive such a warranty.

Not limited to building contracts, collateral warranties can also be used when a purchaser is granting a security over its property to a lender.

What should the CWcontain?

Reference to the original appointment. Clear outline of the works or services to be undertaken. Confirmation from the constructor or consultant that it has exercised and will continue to exercise all reasonable skill and care obligations in relation to professional indemnity insurance if liability is to be limited – constructors usually limit their liability to 10 years.

Confirmation that the warranty can be assignable to third partiesA liabilities clause may be included, limiting the constructor or consultant’s liability to the amount in the original documentationA “no loss” clause – this states that the constructor’s liability is not diminished by virtue of the fact that the client under the contract has suffered no loss

Benefits of collateral warranties?

The direct contractual link mentioned aboveA third party can then rely on this link if any works or services are found to have been carried out negligently

Is the sky the limit? - NO! Collateral Warranties are very useful, but they are only as good as the entity granting them and can only confer the same rights as the original appointment or building contract and no better.

Find out more about this by registering your interest at Nicholson Academy!


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